We can do this, together!

This year, we at Urban Alliance are inviting you to join us in a collective Giving Tuesday effort. There are two options:

We are so very thankful for our volunteers, our partners, and our donors – we couldn’t have accomplished all that we have this year without you!

God Loves a Cheerful Giver

2 Corinthians 9:6 is pretty clear: “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” And so Giving Tuesday should be about providing opportunities, and not about providing guilt trips or manipulation. 

Knowing that most of the people who will see this message have already faithfully given and selflessly served, we are reluctant to add any additional burdern to you! At the same time, we know you. We have worked along side of you. We’ve done our best to multiply your generosity. And we know that many of you have big hearts that would long to do even more.

If you find yourself looking for a creative way to give above and beyond what you have already done, we have a couple of options for you to consider – and they both involve spreading the word.

Launch Your Own Fundraiser!

By clicking on the button below, you can create a Fundraiser like the ones you have probably seen on Facebook ... except THIS fundraiser can be shared any where. You will be provided a link that you can use in an email, on Facebook, or anywhere else you'd like, inviting people to help support a cause you believe in! You can tell the story of how you became a volunteer; or share how your church or program has benefitted from partnering with Urban Alliance – it helps to share your heart, our shared passion for reaching the region, and help your friends and neighbors to connect to their communities.

Get The Word Out!

In early November, Urban Alliance hosted three back to back events that we called Unite To Make A Difference. On a Thursday afternoon, we gathered senior pastors and ministry leaders to celebrate what they had helped accomplish as part of the UA Network, and invied them to explore more ways we could make a difference, together. On Friday, we celebrated UAServe volunteers and the difference they make with their faitful service. Saturday celebrated our donors and introduced UA to potential new donors and partners. And we've created an online version that you can share with your friends!

Support Urban Alliance

Of course, your financial support is what enables us to turn a $150,000 investment in our Distribution Center  into over $11 million in distributed supplies; fund new training opportunities and training resources; and more.